Composition of the Supervisory Board

Members of the Supervisory Board and Supervisory Board committees

Further board mandates in 2022/23

Dr. Georg Kellinghusen

Member since 9 March 2017
Appointed until the AGM 2023
(stepped down as of 8 March 2023)

  • Member of the Advisory Board of Advyce GmbH, Munich
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Simplifa GmbH, Berlin
  • Member of the Bavaria Advisory Board of Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main (listed company)

Dr. Michael Majerus
Chairman since 8 March 2023

Member since 7 March 2019
Appointed until the AGM 2027

Dr. Anna C. Eichhorn
Deputy Chair since 23 February 2020

Member since 9 March 2017
Appointed until the AGM 2025

  • CEO of humatrix AG, Pfungstadt
  • Management Board member (Deputy Chair) of Initiative Gesundheitswirtschaft-rhein-main e. V.
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Frankfurter Innovationszentrum Biotechnologie GmbH, Frankfurt am Main
  • Member of the Management Board of House of Pharma & Healthcare e. V., Frankfurt am Main

Stephen Catling
Supervisory Board member

Member since 14 October 2020
Appointed until the AGM 2025

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cambridgeshire Community Foundation, UK
  • Chairman of the Board of Trustees of FoodCycle, UK

Dr. Florian Schnabel
Supervisory Board member

Member since 8 March 2023
Appointed until the AGM 2027

  • Managing Director of MP Beteiligungs-GmbH, Kaiserslautern
  • Managing Director of BSN GmbH, Kaiserslautern

Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Treffenfeldt
Supervisory Board member

Member since 14 October 2020
Appointed until the AGM 2025

  • Member of the Supervisory Board of ProBioGen AG, Berlin
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI, Karlsruhe
  • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB, Stuttgart

Christine Uekert
Supervisory Board member

Member since 8 March 2023
Appointed until the AGM 2027

  • Managing Director nSight Consulting GmbH
  • Member of the Supervisory Board of Titanium Textiles AG, Rostock (until July 2023)
  • Managing Director of Evolve Partners – Biofin Consulting GmbH
Audit Committee Nomination Committee Personnel Committee

Christine Uekert
Chair (since 8 March 2023)

Dr. Anna C. Eichhorn

Dr. Michael Majerus
Chair (since 8 March 2023)

Dr. Michael Majerus
(Chair until 8 March 2023)
Dr. Georg Kellinghusen
Member (until 8 March 2023)
Dr. Georg Kellinghusen
Chair (until 8 March 2023)
Dr. Georg Kellinghusen
Member (until 8 March 2023)
Dr. Michael Majerus
Member (since 8 March 2023)
Prof. Dr. Wiltrud Treffenfeldt
Stephen Catling
Member (until 8 March 2023)
Stephen Catling
Member (since 8 March 2023)
Dr. Florian Schnabel
Member (since 8 March 2023)

The company is of the opinion that the recommendation regarding the independence of the committee chairpersons in accordance with Section C.10 of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) is fulfilled. In other respects, the company is of the opinion that the recommendations of the current DCGK from Sections C.6, C.7 and C.9 are fulfilled.