Consolidated Statement of comprehensive Income

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the period 01.10.2022 – 30.09.2023

€ thousand Note

12M 22/23

01.10.2022 – 30.09.2023

12M 21/22

01.10.2021 – 30.09.2022

Revenue (1) 55,335 49,509
Research and development grant revenue (2) 890 786
Change in inventories of unfinished and finished goods and work in progress 144 932
Other income (3) 771 1,845
Total operating performance 57,140 53,072
Cost of materials (4)
Cost of raw materials, consumables and supplies, and purchased merchandise -24,380 -21,671
Cost of purchased services -977 -1,323
-25,357 -22,994
Personnel expenses (5)
Wages and salaries -18,010 -17,301
Share-based employee compensation -714 -1,384
Social security and post-employment benefit costs -3,276 -2,995
-22,000 -21,681
Other expenses (7) -10,609 -9,706
EBITDA -826 -1,309
Depreciation, amortization and impairment (6) -4,654 -4,340
Operating result (EBIT) -5,480 -5,648
Share of profit or loss from equity-accounted investments (14) -1,492 -2,426
Finance income (8) 789 3,606
Finance costs (9) -1,307 -1,696
Net financial result -2,010 -516
Pretax loss for the reporting period -7,489 -6,165
Income tax expense/income (10)
a) Current tax expense/income -168 -226
b) Deferred tax expense/income -457 50
-625 -176
Net loss for the reporting period -8,114 -6,341
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 165 249
of which attributable to the shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG -8,279 -6,590
Earnings per share (11)
Earnings per share, basic undiluted (in €) -0.38 -0.30
Number of shares taken as basis 21,847,495 21,847,495
Earnings per share, diluted (in €) -0.38 -0.30
Number of shares taken as basis 21,847,495 21,847,495
Net loss for the reporting period -8,114 -6,341
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 165 249
of which attributable to the shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG -8,279 -6,590
Other comprehensive income
Net gain or loss from revaluing obligations from post-employment employee benefits* (5) 25 901
Currency translation 290 -245
Other comprehensive income, net 315 656
Consolidated total comprehensive income (loss) -7,799 -5,685
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 156 231
of which attributable to the shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG -7,956 -5,916
*Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss.