
Akribion Genomics

Registered Trademark of BRAIN Biotech AG. Under this name, a team of about 20 people develops novel CRISPR nucleases. One of these nucleases, G-Dase E®, is being developed by the Akribion Genomics team into a technology platform for a new class of gene-based cancer therapies. Akribion Genomics is currently seeking Series A financing for the next stage of this development (end of September 2023).

Alternative Proteins

Proteins that are not of animal origin but are derived from other protein sources. Alternative protein sources already in use today are predominantly of plant origin. They include, for example, wheat, soy, peas, beans, lentils, cashews, jackfruit or lupins. Higher fungi and insects also already serve as protein sources. Recombinant microorganisms, which produce animal-identical proteins in fermentation processes, represent another pillar. Proteins from cell cultured meat cultivated in the laboratory could also contribute to an animal-free diet in the future.


Aurase® is an enzymatic active ingredient developed by BRAIN Biotech for the cleansing of chronic wounds. SolasCure Ltd., which was founded with the participation of BRAIN Biotech, is working on the approval of the medical substance.

Bioactive natural compounds

Used to develop products for the food, beverages, skin care, cosmetics and chemical industries

Bio-based products

Bio-based products are goods manufactured from renewable raw materials


Enzymes that act as catalysts to accelerate (bio)chemical reactions

Biocatalysts Ltd. and Biocatalysts Inc.

Companies of the BRAIN Biotech Group based in UK (headquarters in Cardiff, Wales) and in US (Illinois); global distributor network e.g. Korea, Australia, New Zealand. Key player in the specialty enzyme business


One of BRAIN Biotech's three business segments. Pipeline of groundbreaking proprietary or partnered development projects for "new business" with high economic potential; value creation options include spin-offs, licenses, milestone payments, production, sales

Biologisierung der Industrie

Application of biological processes in an industrial setting with the aim of creating a more sustainable economy


One of the three business segments of BRAIN Biotech AG. It includes the development and marketing of proprietary products, including enzymes, along the value chain.

Bioprocess / bioprocess development

Processes that use living cells (e.g., bacteria or fungi) or molecules produced by them (e.g., enzymes) to obtain specific products. Bioprocess development involves determining the optimal "design space" for a particular microbial product with the desired yield and purity. Efficient and cost-effective bioprocess development is necessary for new biotechnological production processes to emerge as competitive alternatives to existing processes or products.


Technology for the sustainable processing of biomass into marketable products (e.g. food, feed, materials, chemicals) and energy (fuels, electricity, heat). Integrated biorefineries combine various such technologies with the aim of greater flexibility and cost reduction. Integrated biorefineries facilitate the use of byproducts and waste, and enable the production of high-quality products (e.g. fine chemicals) combined with low-quality products (e.g. bioenergy).


One of the three business segments of BRAIN Biotech AG. The segment comprises research-intensive, customer-specific development projects and collaborations.


Application-oriented sub-sector of biology; includes insights and methods from microbiology, genetics, biochemistry, technical chemistry and process engineering; utilizes biological processes e.g. for industrial applications


BRAIN Biotech demonstration plant for next-generation metal extraction in the areas of green and urban mining based on microorganisms. BioXtractor

BRAIN Biotech´s Bioarchiv

In-house collection consisting of around 53,000 comprehensively characterized microorganisms (including “chassis microorganism” strains for the development of production organisms) and the BRAIN libraries:

Enzyme library: up to 500 isolated and pre-characterized enzymes and DNA encoding enzymes introduced into expression vectors.

Metagenome library: screenable DNA library containing metagenomes from different habitats; collection serves to identify previously uncharacterized enzymes and metabolic pathways.

Compound Library: Natural product collection with sub-collections for specific, well-characterized sub-sub-substance groups.


Sweet protein with an exceptional sweetening potential. It combines a good flavor profile with the benefits of being sugar-free. In nature the African plant Pentadiplandra brazzeana produces the protein in its berries. Sourcing the ingredient by extraction would not be sustainable. Therefore, BRAIN Biotech and partner company Roquette have signed a contractual agreement for the approval and production of the sweet protein by fermentation.


Abbreviation for: Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats


CRISPR-Cas (= CRISPR/Cas) is the name of a method with which molecular biologists can cut DNA in a targeted and precise manner. The so-called "gene scissors" (for genome editing) thus enable the selective insertion, removal or modification of individual DNA segments in the living organism. The method offers biotechnologists the possibility to carry out targeted mutations and thus, for example, to optimize the metabolic performance of microbial production organisms within a short time.

Biochemically, the CRISPR-Cas complex consists of the CRISPR-associated protein "Cas" with the function of a DNA-cutting protein (belongs to the enzyme class of nucleases), as well as a piece of RNA, the so-called guide RNA, which directs the Cas protein to the site on the DNA to be cut.

The acronym "CRISPR" stands for „Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats”, a repetitive region on the genome of the bacterium where this DNA region was initially discovered and by which CRISPR systems can be recognized. CRISPR-Cas systems are derived from a natural mechanism that bacteria use to protect themselves from harmful viruses.

In basic research, CRISPR-Cas technology is already being used in a wide range of applications. However, the unclear patent situation specifically for the CRISPR/Cas9 system often prevents its use in companies, as there are as yet unforeseeable patent risks, as well as expensive licensing fees to be paid. For this reason, BRAIN Biotech has developed its own variants of the CRISPR-Cas scissors: G-Dase E (former BEC) and G-Dase M (former BMC01).


Genetically identical organisms, created by natural division or reproduction or produced artificially

Disruptive Innovations

Innovations that can lead to business models or technologies being replaced


Deoxyribonucleic acid: biomolecule that carries genetic information (genes)


Abbreviation for the German Sustainability Code (Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitskodex); BRAIN Biotech has published a declaration in relation to the German Sustainability Code. The entry in the DNK database supports BRAIN Biotech’s sustainability reporting activities and provides transparency in relation to the company’s development


Strategic partnership initiated by BRAIN Biotech AG for the development of natural sweeteners and sweet taste enhancers (dolce = Italian for sweet)


Proteins that accelerate biochemical reactions in their function as biocatalysts; play an important role in the development of biobased products; BRAIN Biotech identifies and develops optimized enzymes and biocatalysts for complex process and application requirements

Fermented food

Foods and beverages that have undergone controlled microbial growth and fermentation


BRAIN Biotech development program for freshness and product stability utilizing natural bioactive substances; suitable for the food and feed industry, for medical products, paints, cleaning agents and other household products. FRESCO

Genome editing

Targeted modification of DNA using molecular biology techniques

Giga-bp DNA

DNA Length of a DNA sequence, indicated by the number of base pairs (1 Giga bp = 1,000,000,000 base pairs); common metagenomics measure


Genetically modified organisms

GRAS status

"Generally Regarded as Safe status": declaration of safety for the use of substances (e.g. microorganisms) to manufacture foodstuffs; GRAS organisms can be utilized without restriction in biotechnological production

Green Mining

Sustainable mining, e.g. ore treatment to extract gold, silver or copper using microorganisms rather than chemicals


An organism’s natural environment

High-performance microorganisms

Biotechnologically optimized microorganisms that serve as microbial “cell factories”

Industrial biotechnology

Also known as white biotechnology; drives innovation for a paradigm shift away from petroleum-based towards biological processes and bioeconomy products


All the genomic information present in all the microorganisms of a specific community


Genomic analysis of a community of organisms by gene sequencing; genetic material is extracted, sequenced and analyzed directly from environmental samples, which saves the previous cultivation of microorganisms


Microscopically small unicellular or multicellular organisms, e.g. bacteria, algae, fungi or viruses


NGS stands for "Next Generation Sequencing". It describes the process of high-throughput sequencing of DNA.


Linear, sometimes ring-shaped chain of molecules consisting of two or more amino acids; long polypeptide chains are called proteins.

Precision fermentation

Process that combines what is known as precision biology with the process of fermentation. In precision fermentation, microorganisms are programmed using genome editing to produce almost any complex organic molecule. Precision fermentation plays an important role in the production of alternative proteins (alternatives to animal proteins).

Product sales at BRAIN Biotech Group

Sales of products in the form of merchandise, technologies or biotechnological system solutions; can be achieved via the BRAIN Biotech Group’s direct B2B business or through joint product developments with industrial partners and corresponding licensing agreements; scalable-product business option offered by the BRAIN Biotech Group (see also R&D cooperation partnerships)


Non-viable bacterial products or metabolic by-products of probiotic microorganisms that develop biological activity in the host. Are used, for example, in cosmetics.


Food or dietary supplement containing an ingredient (indigestible) that selectively stimulates the growth and/or activity of indigenous bacteria.


Live microorganisms which, when used adequately, exert a health-promoting effect on humans and animals. Have been used for intestinal health in the food sector for over 50 years; new areas of application include cosmetics, agricultural or household products.

Precision probiotics

Probiotics optimized for performance and/or safety using nonGMO processes (e.g., natural evolution and targeted genome editing without the use of foreign DNA).

Protein engineering

In the process of protein engineering, proteins (e.g. enzymes) are constructed and optimized for specific purposes. The approach is either via so-called "rational design" (targeted mutagenesis, possible with existing knowledge of protein structure) or "directed evolution" (mimics natural evolution and requires no prior knowledge of protein structure).


Research and Development


One of several BRAIN Biotech development programs for healthier foods through salt reduction. SALT-E


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Specialty chemicals

Specific chemical products with a broad range of activities on which a large number of other industrial sectors depend

Stage-gate process

Standardized process model for developing product innovations with the aim of assuring process quality


Combination of probiotics and prebiotics

Synthetic biology

Area of biology in which organisms are modified to develop new, useful abilities

Tailor-Made-Solutions (TMS)

Dedicated contract R&D programs for the development of tailor-made solutions for industry

Urban Mining

Sustainable extraction of valuable substances from secondary raw materials and waste flows in order to retain them in value chains in the long term.

White biotechnology

Includes the application of modern biotechnology in industrial production processes. Chemical starting materials are converted by enzymes and cells into products suitable for further processing. Also known as industrial biotechnology; synonymous with industrial biotechnology