Macroeconomic and sector-related conditions

The financial year under review was characterized by an overall challenging and volatile global economic environment, while risks to global growth and the free movement of goods persisted. These developments also made overall conditions for industrial biotechnology more challenging in the 2023/24 financial year. Although research and product innovations in industrial biotechnology remain a mainstay of sustainable industrial production, they cannot be decoupled completely from the general economic environment. Industrial biotechnology provides solutions to the fundamental challenges of nutrition, energy, environment, and climate. Their contribution to the overarching issue of sustainability and their potential to fundamentally reshape industrial production is far from exhausted.[2] BRAIN Biotech AG is actively shaping these changes as an innovative partner with its strong solution and product expertise.

In addition to the substitution of petrochemical-based products, the industry’s research and development activities also focus on biological solutions for sugar substitutes, alternative protein sources, and the utilization of by-product streams from industrial production.

  1. EY Biotech Report 2023