Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income for the period from 01.10.2023 to 30.09.2024

€ thousand Note

12M 23/24

01.10.2023 – 30.09.2024

12M 22/23

01.10.2022 – 30.09.2023

Revenue (1) 54,631 55,335
Research and development grant revenue (2) 868 890
Change in inventories of unfinished and finished goods and work in progress -433 144
Other income (3) 453 771
Total operating performance 55,520 57,140
Cost of materials (4)
Cost of raw materials, consumables and supplies, and purchased merchandise -23,403 -24,380
Cost of purchased services -467 -977
-23,870 -25,357
Personnel expenses (5)
Wages and salaries -20,792 -18,010
Share-based employee compensation -894 -714
Social security and post-employment benefit costs -3,417 -3,276
-25,104 -22,000
Other expenses (7) -10,576 -10,609
EBITDA -4,029 -826
Depreciation, amortization and impairment (6) -4,823 -4,654
Operating result (EBIT) -8,852 -5,480
Share of profit or loss from equity-accounted investments (14) -498 -1,492
Finance income (8) 395 789
Finance costs (9) -2,035 -1,307
Net financial result -2,137 -2,010
Pretax loss for the reporting period -10,990 -7,489
Income tax expense/income (10)
a) Current tax expense/income -96 -168
b) Deferred tax expense/ income -15 -457
-110 -625
Net loss for the reporting period -11,100 -8,114
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 27 165
of which attributable to the shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG -11,127 -8,279
Earnings per share (11)
Earnings per share, basic undiluted (in €) -0.51 -0.38
Number of shares taken as basis 21,847,495 21,847,495
Earnings per share, diluted (in €) -0.51 -0.38
Number of shares taken as basis 21,847,495 21,847,495
Net loss for the reporting period -11,100 -8,114
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 27 165
of which attributable to the shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG -11,127 -8,279
Other comprehensive income
Net gain or loss from revaluing obligations from post-employment employee benefits* (5) -207 25
Currency translation 686 290
Other comprehensive income, net 479 315
Consolidated total comprehensive income (loss) -10,621 -7,799
of which attributable to non-controlling interests 27 156
of which attributable to the shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG -10,648 -7,956

* Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss