VI. Notes to the consolidated balance sheet

12 Intangible assets

The following table shows the composition and changes:

€ thousand Goodwill Other intangible assets Total intangible assets

FY 2022/23

Cost at 1 October 2022

6,606 20,448 27,054
Additions 0 19 19
Disposals 0 -2,612 -2,612
Currency translation 60 34 94
at 30 September 2023 6,666 17,890 24,556
Amortization and impairment
at 1 October 2022
0 10,289 10,289
Amortization for the financial year 0 1,602 1,602
Disposals 0 -2,597 -2,597
Currency translation 0 47 47
at 30 September 2023 0 9,341 9,341
Net carrying amount
at 30 September 2023
6,666 8,549 15,215
at 30 September 2022 6,606 10,158 16,765
€ thousand Goodwill Other intangible assets Total intangible assets
FY 2021/22
Cost at 1 October 2021
4,725 17,739 22,464
Additions from corporate acquisition 1,960 2,486 4,446
Additions 0 280 280
Disposals arising from divestitures 0 -94 -94
Currency translation -78 36 -42
at 30 September 2022 6,606 20,448 27,054
Amortization and impairment
at 1 October 2021
0 8,933 8,933
Amortization for the financial year 0 1,511 1,511
Disposals 0 -94 -94
Currency translation 0 -60 -60
at 30 September 2022 0 10,289 10,289

Net carrying amount

at 30 September 2022

6,606 10,158 16,765
at 30 September 2021 4,725 8,806 13,531

The goodwill reported as at 30 September 2023 arises from the acquisition of AnalytiCon Group (AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH, AnalytiCon Discovery LLC) in the 2013/14 financial year, the acquisition of Biocatalysts Group (Biocatalysts Ltd., Biocatalysts Inc.) in the 2017/18 financial year, and the acquisition of Breatec Group (Weriol Group BV, Breatec BV and Panei BV) in the 2021/22 financial year.

Impairment tests

Goodwill existed at the following cash-generating units (CGUs) as at the reporting date:

30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Cash-generating unit Goodwill
€ thousand
Pre-tax cost of capital (WACC)3 Goodwill
€ thousand
Pre-tax cost of capital (WACC)3
Biocatalysts 4,008 10.25 % 3,948 9.29 %
Breatec 1,960 9.24 % 1,960 8.08 %
Natural Products Chemistry 699 16.37 % 699 15.05 %
3 Weighted average total cost of capital rate before tax

The “Biocatalysts” CGU consists of the goodwill from the acquisition of Biocatalysts Ltd., including its subsidiary Biocatalysts Inc., and is attributable to the BioProducts segment.

The “Breatec” CGU comprises the goodwill from the acquisition of Weriol Group BV, including its subsidiary Breatec BV, and is attributable to the BioProducts segment.

The “Natural Products Chemistry” CGU consists of the goodwill from the acquisition of AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH and its subsidiary AnalytiCon Discovery LLC, and is attributable to the BioScience segment.


For the Biocatalysts unit, an IAS 36 impairment test was performed again as at 30 September 2023. Planning is based on a significant rise in sales revenues and successive margin improvements. As planned, this would be in line with the significant increases in recent years as well as in the 2022/23 financial year. Continued strong growth is to be achieved by further expanding business relationships with both existing and new customers. Furthermore, an even stronger focus on customer-specific enzymes and proprietary product developments is planned, which should contribute to a further improvement in revenue as well as to a margin improvement. Net cash flows beyond the detailed planning phase were modelled on a terminal growth rate that reflects growth rates derived from current market information (financial year under review: 1.00 %, previous year: 1.00 %). A value-in-use applying discounted cash flows was calculated based on five-year planning. No impairment was determined in the impairment test on 30 September 2023.

An increase in the weighted average cost of capital by 1.0 percentage points or a reduction in the EBITDA margin in the perpetual return by 2.0 percentage points would also have led to no impairment.

The Management Board assumes that the calculated sensitivities suitably and sufficiently reflect the potential deviations from plan in each case.


For the Breatec unit, an IAS 36 impairment test was performed again as at 30 September 2023. Planning is based on significant revenue growth and successive margin improvements. Continued strong growth is to be achieved by further expanding business relationships with both existing and new customers. Furthermore, an even stronger focus on customer-specific enzymes is planned, which should contribute to a further improvement in revenue as well as to a margin improvement. Net cash flows beyond the detailed planning phase were modelled on a terminal growth rate that reflects growth rates derived from current market information (financial year under review: 1.00 %, previous year: 1.00 %). A value-in-use applying discounted cash flows was calculated based on five-year planning. No impairment was determined in the impairment test on 30 September 2023.

An increase in the weighted average cost of capital by 1.0 percentage points or a reduction in the EBITDA margin in the perpetual return by 2.0 percentage points would also have led to no impairment.

The Management Board assumes that the calculated sensitivities suitably and sufficiently reflect the potential deviations from plan in each case.

Natural Products Chemistry

Thanks to positive market feedback and its successful performance in recent financial years, the “Natural Products Chemistry” unit in its planning assumes significant revenue growth and a positive trend in its EBITDA margin. The expected trend in revenue and earnings is mainly driven by the growth potential in the area of projects/services (including the project of AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH with Pharvaris N.V. regarding the novel oral bradykinin B2 receptor antagonist (PHA121)) as well as the resultant positive effects on the personnel expense ratio. Net cash flows beyond the detailed planning phase were modelled on a terminal growth rate that reflects growth rates derived from current market information (financial year under review and the previous year: 1.00 %). A value-in-use applying discounted cash flows was calculated based on five-year planning. No impairment was determined in the impairment test on 30 September 2023.

An increase in the weighted average cost of capital by 1.0 percentage points or a reduction in the EBITDA margin in the perpetual return by 2.0 percentage points would have also led to no impairment.

The Management Board assumes that the calculated sensitivities suitably and sufficiently reflect the potential deviations from plan in each case.

The other intangible assets that are material to the consolidated financial statements consist of the intangible assets identified as part of the purchase price allocation, as shown in the following table.

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022 Remaining useful life4 as at 30.09.2023
Technology of AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH 61 303 0.25
Technology of Biocatalysts Ltd. 2,532 2,883 7
Technology of Breatec Group 365 449 4
Customer relationships of Biocatalysts Group 2,429 2,831 6
Customer relationships of Biosun Biochemicals Inc. 1,020 1,237 8
Customer relationships of Breatec Group 1,633 1,856 7
4 Remaining useful life in years

In accordance with the accounting policies presented above, no development costs were capitalized in the 2022/23 financial year or in the previous year, as it is not possible to distinguish research and development phases due to the alternating process, and consequently not all of the criteria specified in IAS 38 were met.

Research and development expenses of € 4,979 thousand (previous year: € 4,870 thousand) are reported in the statement of comprehensive income mainly under the items “personnel expenses”, “cost of materials”, and “other expenses”, as well as in amortization charges.

13 Property, plant and equipment

Investments in property, plant and equipment in the 2022/23 financial year were attributable primarily to the technical expansion of research, development, and manufacturing infrastructure. The following table shows the composition and changes of property, plant and equipment:

€ thousand Land and buildings Right of use, land and buildings Operating and office equipment Right of use, operating and office equipment Total property, plant and equipment
FY 2022/23
Cost at 1 October 2022
10,327 7,570 22,676 2,356 42,930
Additions 33 92 1,982 866 2,972
Disposals -1 -166 -480 -35 -683
Reclassifications 0 0 -2,709 2,709 0
Currency translation 64 -8 80 17 153
at 30 September 2023 10,423 7,488 21,549 5,912 45,372
€ thousand Land and buildings Right of use, land and buildings Operating and office equipment Right of use, operating and office equipment Total property, plant and equipment
Depreciation and impairment
at 1 October 2022
3,139 2,140 8,316 598 14,192
Depreciation for the financial year 240 841 1,334 638 3,053
Disposals 0 -166 -315 -35 -517
Currency translation 5 -7 -62 -10 -75
at 30 September 2023 3,385 2,807 9,271 1,189 16,651
Net carrying amount
at 30 September 2023
7,038 4,681 12,278 4,723 28,720
at 30 September 2022 7,188 5,431 14,361 1,758 28,737
€ thousand Land and buildings Right of use, land and buildings Operating and office equipment Right of use, operating and office equipment Total property, plant and equipment
FY 2021/22
Cost at 1 October 2022
9,389 6,869 18,689 1,898 36,845
Additions from acquisition 49 517 125 429 1,121
Additions 1,686 221 5,363 44 7,314
Disposals 0 0 -237 0 -237
Disposals arising from divestitures -742 -45 -1,093 0 -1,880
Currency translation -55 8 -172 -15 -233
at 30 September 2022 10,327 7,570 22,676 2,356 42,930
€ thousand Land and buildings Right of use, land and buildings Operating and office equipment Right of use, operating and office equipment Total property, plant and equipment
Depreciation and impairment
at 1 October 2021
3,181 1,371 7,832 170 12,554
Depreciation for the financial year 249 802 1,348 430 2,829
Disposals 0 0 -125 0 -125
Disposals arising from divestitures -285 -45 -686 0 -1,016
Currency translation -6 12 -54 -2 -50
at 30 September 2022 3,139 2,140 8,316 598 14,191
Net carrying amount
at 30 September 2022
7,188 5,431 14,360 1,758 28,738
at 30 September 2021 6,207 5,499 10,857 1,728 24,291

Land and buildings serve partly as collateral for bank loans. Not all of the land and buildings of BRAIN Biotech AG that are included in this item were assigned as collateral. More detail can be found in section (21) Financial liabilities.

Information on lease liabilities is provided in section (21) Financial liabilities.

The following table presents the total cash outflows for leases.

€ thousand
Cash outflows for leases 2022/23 2021/22
Repayments of lease liabilities 1,455 1,029
Interest payments for lease liabilities 162 118
Total 1,617 1,147

14 Equity-accounted investments

Enzymicals AG

The carrying amount of the interest in the associated company Enzymicals AG5 reports the following changes:

€ thousand
Carrying amount at 30.09.2021 0
Share of profit or loss after taxes in 2021/22 10
Impairment -10
Carrying amount at 30.09.2022 0
Share of profit or loss after taxes in 2022/23 75
Reversing an impairment loss 8
Carrying amount as at 30.09.2023 83
5 Financial year = calendar year; the difference arises from the historical difference between the financial year of BRAIN Biotech AG and the calendar year

The interest held by BRAIN Biotech AG continued to amount to 24.095 % in the 2022/23 financial year. This participating interest is allocated to the BioScience segment. There were no unrecognized losses in the current financial year (previous year: € 0 thousand).

The following tables show the aggregated results and balance sheet data of Enzymicals AG and the amounts of profit or loss for the period and equity attributable to BRAIN Biotech AG in line with its interest (24.095 %). The figures for Enzymicals AG were calculated based on the accounting principles of the German Commercial Code (HGB), as the Management Board is of the opinion that no material valuation differences exist in relation to IFRS.

€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Revenue 2,079 1,577
Total comprehensive income or loss 312 40
Share of profit or loss after taxes 75 10
€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Non-current assets 507 354
Current assets 817 903
Non-current liabilities 420 500
Current liabilities 560 725
Equity 344 32
Interest in equity 83 8

The difference in prior periods between the recognized valuation of the participating interest and the proportional equity attributable to BRAIN Biotech AG of € 166 thousand reflected goodwill.

SolasCure Ltd.

The carrying amount of the interest in the associated company SolasCure Ltd. reports the following changes:

€ thousand
Carrying amount at 30.09.2021 550
Share of profit or loss after taxes in 2021/22 -2,426
Reversal of elimination of unrealized results of intra-group transactions 176
Capital increase 29.11.2021 1,497
Gain from dilution of interest 2,180
Currency translation -39
Carrying amount at 30.09.2022 1,938
€ thousand
Carrying amount at 30.09.2022 1,938
Share of profit or loss after taxes in 2022/23 -1,560
Reversal of elimination of unrealized results of intra-group transactions 46
Capital increase 22.02.2023 369
Gain from dilution of interest 541
Currency translation 39
Carrying amount at 30.09.2023 1,373

In the 2022/23 financial year, BRAIN Biotech AG participated in a capital increase at SolasCure Ltd. The capital increase amounted to € 2.8 million (in which BRAIN participated in an amount of € 0.4 million) and led to the aforementioned change in the interest held. As a consequence, the capital increase led to a dilution of the interest held in SolasCure Ltd. This participating interest is allocated to the BioScience segment. There were no unrecognized losses in the current financial year (previous year: € 0 thousand).

The following tables show the aggregated results and balance sheet data of SolasCure Ltd. and the amounts of profit or loss for the period and equity attributable to BRAIN Biotech AG in line with its 34.16 % interest (35.51 % on 30 September 2022). The disclosures reflect the financial statements of SolasCure Ltd. prepared in accordance with IFRS as adopted by the European Union.

€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Revenue 0 0
Total comprehensive income or loss -7,486 -6,117
Share of profit or loss after taxes -1,560 -2,426
€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Non-current assets 4,049 3,989
Current assets 2,759 4,198
Non-current liabilities 0 0
Current liabilities 460 150
Equity 6,344 8,037
Interest in equity 2,167 2,854

In addition to the remaining elimination of unrealized results of intra-group transactions, the difference between the amount recognized for the participating interest and the proportionate equity attributable to BRAIN Biotech AG is attributable to goodwill of € 254 thousand.

15 Inventories

Inventories consist of the following:

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Finished goods 6,392 5,950
Raw materials, consumables and supplies 2,995 3,285
Work in progress 339 389
Prepayments on inventories 30 36
Total 9,756 9,661

Inventories included impairment losses on raw materials and supplies of € 54 thousand (prior year: € 170 thousand), and work in progress and finished goods of € 441 thousand (prior year: € 83 thousand). Reversals of impairment losses of € 0 thousand were applied (previous year: € 0 thousand).

16 Trade receivables

Trade receivables consist of the following:

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Trade receivables 8,835 7,424
Receivables from research and development grant revenue 607 612
Total 9,442 8,036

The presented carrying amounts of receivables correspond to the fair values.

Trade receivables generally have a term of up to one year. Credit default rates in a range of between 0.5 % and 10 % were applied in order to calculate the total lifetime ECL. Total lifetime ECLs of € 52 thousand (previous year: € 75 thousand) were recognized on the portfolio as at the 30 September 2023 reporting date, which are recorded in a separate allowance account.

The following table shows the past due structure of trade receivables as at 30 September 2023.

€ thousand Trade receivables of which: not overdue as at the balance sheet date of which: overdue in the following reporting periods Total lifetime ECL Carrying amount
Up to 30 days Between 30 and 60 days Between 60 and 90 days More than 90 days
30.09.2023 9,495 8,651 671 83 67 23 52 9,442

The following table shows the past due structure of trade receivables as at 30 September 2022.

€ thousand Trade receivables of which: not overdue as at the balance sheet date of which: overdue in the following reporting periods Total lifetime ECL Carrying amount
Up to 30 days Between 30 and 60 days Between 60 and 90 days More than 90 days
30.09.2022 8,110 6,586 1,154 101 155 114 74 8,036

The following table shows the changes in impairment losses:

€ thousand 2022/23
Carrying amount at start of period 74
Net effect of addition and reversals -22
Carrying amount at end of period 52
€ thousand 2021/22
Carrying amount at start of period 49
Net effect of addition and reversals 25
Carrying amount at end of period 74

The impairment rate amounted to 0.5 % in the 2022/23 financial year (previous year: 0.9 %).

Further information on impairments and the credit risks pertaining to trade receivables is provided in section VII. Financial instruments / risks from financial instruments.

17 Other financial assets

Other financial assets consist of the following:

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Loans extended up to one year 123 73
Deposits with a term up to one year 55 82
Miscellaneous other financial assets 0 280
Total 178 435

18 Other non-current and current assets

Other non-current assets consist of the following:

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Expenses deferred for a period of more than one year 20 55
Loans extended 50 100
Deposits 0 12
Total 70 168

Other current assets consist of the following:

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Expenses relating to the following year 393 331
VAT receivables due from the tax authorities 213 196
Receivables from the divestment of L.A. Schmitt GmbH 0 3,040
Miscellaneous other current assets 86 244
Total 691 3,811

All current assets have a remaining term of up to one year. The portfolio of other assets was neither overdue nor impaired as at the reporting date. Default risk is regarded as low, as in the previous year.

19 Cash and cash equivalents / statement of cash flows

Cash and cash equivalents are held mainly at banks in Germany and in the UK.

In the statement of cash flows, other non-cash expenses and income include the following items:

€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Expenses from the divestment of subsidiaries 0 1,653
Personnel expenses from share-based compensation and employee share schemes 797 748
Losses on receivables/change in value allowances for receivables 2 3
Net finance costs from subsequent measurement of financial liabilities 426 960
Miscellaneous financial result 0 308
Miscellaneous 8 42
Total 1,233 3,714
Reduction in value allowances for receivables 21 1
Net finance income from subsequent measurement of financial and other liabilities 0 1,234
Income from the reversal of impairments applied to equity-accounted investments 8 0
Income from dilution of interests held in equity-accounted investments 541 2,356
Write-up applied to inventories 21 153
Other financial result, from the (subsequent) measurement of financial derivatives 219 -
Miscellaneous 47 31
Total 857 3,775
Net cash expenses/income 376 -61

20 Equity

Changes to the equity capital position are shown in the consolidated statement of changes in equity.

Subscribed capital

The subscribed share capital amounts to € 21,847,495 (previous year: € 21,847,495) and is divided into 21,847,495 ordinary shares (previous year: 21,847,495), to each of which a proportional amount of the share capital of € 1.00 is attributable. The shares are fully paid-in registered shares. The shares are listed in the Prime Standard stock market segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

Authorized capital

With an AGM resolution on 9 March 2022, authorized capital of € 4,369,499 was created (Authorized Capital 2022/I). Authorized Capital 2022/I was entered in the commercial register on 28 March 2022. The Management Board was authorized, with Supervisory Board assent, to increase the company’s share capital in the period until 8 March 2027, once or on several occasions, albeit by a maximum nominal amount of € 4,369,499 through issuing up to 4,369,499 new ordinary registered shares against either cash capital contributions and/or non-cash capital contributions, whereby shareholders’ statutory subscription rights can be wholly or partly excluded. If the new shares are issued against cash capital contributions, shareholders’ statutory subscription rights can be wholly or partially excluded if the new shares’ issue price is not significantly less than the stock market price of the company’s shares already listed on the date when the issue price is finally determined, and the total number of shares issued in this manner under exclusion of subscription rights does not exceed 10 % of the share capital.

Accordingly, authorized capital of € 4,369,499 was reported as at the 30 September 2023 reporting date.

Conditional capital

Pursuant to Section 5 (3), (4), (5) and (6) of the company’s bylaws, the share capital is conditionally increased by € 2,184,749 through the issue of up to 2,184,749 new ordinary registered shares (Conditional Capital 2023/I) and by a further € 63,000 through the issue of up to 63,000 new ordinary registered shares (Conditional Capital 2015/II), by issuing up to 1,233,600 new ordinary registered shares (Conditional Capital 2019/I) and by issuing up to 888,148 new ordinary registered shares (Conditional Capital 2023/II).

The conditional capital of 1,986,136 existing as at 30 September 2022 (Conditional Capital 2021/I) was cancelled by resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 8 March 2023.

Conditional Capital 2023/I serves exclusively to grant shares to the holders of bonds with warrants and convertible bonds that the company issues based on the authorization of the Management Board by way of AGM resolution passed on 8 March 2023. The conditional capital increase is to be implemented through issuing up to 2,184,749 new ordinary registered shares only to the extent that the holders of convertible bonds and/or bonds with warrants utilize their conversion rights or warrant rights, or the holders of convertible bonds that are obligated to convert satisfy their obligation to convert, and to the extent that other forms of satisfaction are not deployed to service the bonds. An increase in the share capital from Conditional Capital 2023/I had not been implemented as at the 30 September 2023 reporting date.

Conditional Capital 2015/II serves exclusively to service subscription rights arising from stock options that are granted – pursuant to the AGM resolution dated 8 July 2015 as part of a stock option plan comprising up to 63,000 stock options that carry subscription rights to shares of BRAIN Biotech AG with a term of up to eight years – to the members of the company’s Management Board, members of affiliated companies’ management boards, as well as managers and other company employees in senior positions. The conditional capital increase is to be implemented only to the extent that the holders of issued subscription rights utilize them, and the company does not grant treasury shares or cash settlement to satisfy these subscription rights. An increase in the share capital from Conditional Capital 2015/II had not been implemented as at the 30 September 2023 reporting date.

At the Annual General Meeting on 7 March 2019, Conditional Capital 2015/II was reduced from originally € 1,272,581 to € 123,000, as this capital was to remain exclusively for hedging stock options already issued. At the Annual General Meeting on 8 March 2023, the conditional capital was reduced by a further € 60,000 to € 63,000. The authorization to issue further stock options from Conditional Capital 2015/II was revoked at the same Annual General Meeting and replaced by a new authorization (see following section).

By resolution of the Annual General Meeting on 7 March 2019, the share capital was conditionally increased by € 1,682,578 through the issue of up to 1,682,578 new no-par-value registered shares (Conditional Capital 2019/I). Conditional Capital 2019/I was reduced by € 448,978 from the original € 1,682,578 to € 1,233,600 at the Annual General Meeting on 8 March 2023. The conditional capital serves exclusively to service subscription rights from stock options granted to members of the company’s Management Board and other senior company managers. The Management Board is authorized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to determine the further details of the implementation of the conditional capital increase. The conditional capital increase is to be implemented only to the extent that the holders of issued subscription rights utilize them, and the company does not grant treasury shares or cash settlement to satisfy these subscription rights. An increase in the share capital from Conditional Capital 2019/I had not been implemented as at the 30 September 2023 reporting date.

Conditional Capital 2023/II serves exclusively to service subscription rights arising from stock options that are granted – pursuant to the AGM resolution dated 8 March 2023 as part of a stock option plan comprising up to 888,148 stock options that carry subscription rights to shares of BRAIN Biotech AG with a term of up to eight years – to the members of the company’s Management Board and other company employees in senior positions. The conditional capital increase is to be implemented only to the extent that the holders of issued subscription rights utilize them, and the company does not grant treasury shares or cash settlement to satisfy these subscription rights. An increase in the share capital from Conditional Capital 2023/II had not been implemented as at the 30 September 2023 reporting date.

Stock options

An AGM resolution dated 8 March 2023 authorized the Management Board, with Supervisory Board approval, to issue as part of a stock option plan until 7 March 2028 up to 888,148 stock options with subscription rights to shares of BRAIN Biotech AG with a term of up to six years, with the condition that each stock option grant the right to subscribe for one share, and according to further provisions. As far as issuing shares to members of the Management Board of BRAIN Biotech AG is concerned, this authorization is valid for the Supervisory Board alone. The AGM conditionally increased the share capital by € 888,148 to hedge and service the stock options (Conditional Capital 2023/II).

Capital reserves

The capital reserves contain the share premium from the issuance of shares, net of transaction costs after taxes, as well as the expenses from granting stock options. For more information about share-based compensation, please refer to the remarks in Section “Share-based payment and other long-term employee benefits”. Capital reserves as per German commercial law are published in the separate financial statements for BRAIN Biotech AG prepared according to German Commercial Code (HGB) accounting policies.

Other reserves

Currency translation differences are recognized in other reserves.

Retained earnings

Retained earnings in the 2022/23 financial year reduced mainly to reflect profit or loss attributable to shareholders of BRAIN Biotech AG. In addition, retained earnings changed due to a net effect from the exercise of put/call agreements and the acquisition of non-controlling interests in fully consolidated Group companies.

The following table shows the non-controlling interests during the 2022/23 financial year:

€ thousand Interest in net assets not held by BRAIN Biotech AG as of 30 September 2023 Addition of non-controlling interests in net assets as part of the acquisition of fully consolidated Group companies Attributable share of total comprehensive income Increase/decrease in interest in net assets not held by BRAIN Biotech AG Carrying amounts of the interests as at 30.09.2023
Biocatalysts Ltd.6 0 % 0 169 -3,576 0
BRAIN UK Ltd. 0 % 0 -2 (-)53 0
Breatec BV 38.00 % 0 -11 0 1,243
Total   0 156 -3,523 1,243
6 Including the subsidiary Biocatalysts Inc. and taking into consideration the amortization of disclosed hidden reserves

The previous year’s non-controlling interests are shown in the following table:

€ thousand Interest in net assets not held by BRAIN Biotech AG as of 30 September 2022 Addition of non-controlling interests in net assets as part of the acquisition of fully consolidated Group companies Attributable share of total comprehensive income Increase/decrease in interest in net assets not held by BRAIN Biotech AG Carrying amounts of the interests as at 30.09.2022
Biocatalysts Ltd.7 19.35 % 0 317 0 3,407
BRAIN UK Ltd. 11.03 % 0 -5 0 -51
Breatec BV 38.00 % 1,335 -80 0 1,254
Total   1,335 232 0 4,610
7 Including the subsidiary Biocatalysts Inc. and taking into consideration the amortization of disclosed hidden reserves

The changes in the non-controlling interests are as follows:

Biocatalysts Ltd.8
€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Value at start of financial year 3,407 3,090
Attributable share of profit or loss for the period 178 334
Attributable share of other comprehensive income (currency differences) -9 -17
Increase/decrease in interest in net assets not held by BRAIN Biotech AG -3,576 0
Value at end of financial year 0 3,407
8 Including the subsidiary Biocatalysts Inc. and taking into consideration the amortization of disclosed hidden reserves

In May 2023, the remaining 9.35 % minority interest in Biocatalysts Ltd. was acquired as part of the purchase of treasury shares.

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Value at start of financial year -51 -46
Attributable share of profit or loss for the period -2 -5
Increase/decrease in interest in net assets not held by BRAIN Biotech AG (-)53 0
Value at end of financial year 0 -51

In April 2023, the call option to acquire the 11.03 % minority interest in BRAIN UK Ltd. was exercised by BRAIN UK II Ltd.

Breatec Group
€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Value at start of financial year 1,254 0
Addition of non-controlling interests in net assets as part of the acquisition of fully consolidated Group companies 0 1,335
Attributable share of profit or loss for the period -11 -80
Attributable share of other comprehensive income (currency differences) 0 0
Value at end of financial year 1,243 1,254

The following section presents summarized financial information for subsidiaries with non-controlling interests of significance to the Group.

Summarized balance sheet data BRAIN UK Ltd. / Biocatalysts Ltd.9
€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Non-current assets 42,871 29,236
of which proportionate goodwill from the acquisition by BRAIN 4,008 3,948
of which hidden reserves less deferred tax from the acquisition by BRAIN 3,919 4,514
Current assets 11,471 8,382
Non-current liabilities 10,479 4,587
Current liabilities 19,097 5,797
Net assets 24,766 27,234
9 Including the Biocatalysts Inc. subsidiary. The financial data are presented on an aggregated basis as BRAIN UK Ltd. does not conduct any business activities of its own in addition to its function as an intermediate holding company.

As at 30 September 2023, non-current assets include the interests (acquired from BRAIN Biotech AG) in the consolidated companies Breatec BV, WeissBioTech GmbH and Biosun Biochemicals Inc.

Summarized statement of comprehensive income BRAIN UK Ltd. / Biocatalysts Ltd.10
€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Revenue 23,798 22,281
Result before taxes 2,209 1,914
Result after taxes 1,477 1,645
of which the result from the amortization of hidden reserves less deferred tax from the acquisition by BRAIN -659 -677
Total comprehensive income or loss 1,773 655
Result attributable to non-controlling interests 167 312
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 0 0
10 Including the Biocatalysts Inc. subsidiary. The financial data are presented on an aggregated basis as BRAIN UK Ltd. does not conduct any business activities of its own in addition to its function as an intermediate holding company.
Summarized statement of cash flows BRAIN UK Ltd. / Biocatalysts Ltd.11
€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Gross cash flow 3,518 3,866
Cash flow from operating activities 6,074 4,385
Cash flow from investing activities -1,389 -6,084
Cash flow from financing activities -7,611 -360
11 Including the Biocatalysts Inc. subsidiary. The financial data are presented on an aggregated basis as BRAIN UK Ltd. does not conduct any business activities of its own in addition to its function as an intermediate holding company.
Summarized balance sheet data Breatec Group
€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Non-current assets 4,381 4,696
of which proportionate goodwill from the acquisition by BRAIN 1,960 1,960
of which hidden reserves less deferred tax from the acquisition by BRAIN 1,482 1,710
Current assets 3,626 2,918
Non-current liabilities 761 994
Current liabilities 2,016 1,360
Net assets 5,230 5,260
Summarized statement of comprehensive income Breatec Group
€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Revenue 10,139 4,942
Result before taxes -77 -267
Result after taxes -30 -212
of which the result from the amortization of hidden reserves less deferred tax from the acquisition by BRAIN -228 -130
Total comprehensive income or loss -30 -212
Result attributable to non-controlling interests -11 -80
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests 0 0
Summarized statement of cash flows Breatec Group
€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Gross cash flow 515 122
Cash flow from operating activities 330 -344
Cash flow from investing activities -60 -45
Cash flow from financing activities -141 -138

Apart from legal restrictions, BRAIN Biotech AG is not subject to any restrictions limiting its access to the subsidiaries’ assets, to utilize such assets or to settle the subsidiaries’ liabilities.

21 Financial liabilities

The financial liabilities consist of the following:

€ thousand 30.09.2023 30.09.2022
Loans 13,316 4,053
Liabilities from put option rights for the potential acquisition of non-controlling interests 3,458 8,431
Contributions by silent partners 3,961 4,200
Lease liabilities 8,184 6,685
Derivatives 82 297
Subsequent purchase price obligation 0 200
Other 6 6
Total 29,006 23,872

As at the 30 September 2023 reporting date, contributions by silent partners include a € 900 thousand (previous year: € 1,200 thousand) contribution by Hessen Kapital I, Wiesbaden, and a € 3,000 thousand (previous year: € 3,000 thousand) contribution by Hessen Kapital II GmbH. Interest liabilities amounted to € 61 thousand as at 30 September 2023 (previous year: € 0 thousand).

The contribution of Hessen Kapital I GmbH was repaid as planned in the financial year at 20 % as of 30 June 2023. The remaining 60 % is due on 30 June 2024. Of the contribution by Hessen Kapital II GmbH, 20 % is repayable on 31 March 2026, a further 20 % on 31 March 2027 and 60 % on 31 March 2028.

The company pays fixed remuneration equivalent to nominal 7.0 % p. a. (previous year: 7.0 %) on the contribution of Hessen Kapital I GmbH and a profit participation equivalent to the ratio between the nominal level of the silent partnership and the nominal level of the equity of BRAIN Biotech AG, albeit to a maximum of 2.5 % of the contribution and not more than 50 % of the profit for the year.

The company pays fixed remuneration equivalent to nominal 6.0 % p. a. (previous year: 6.0 %) on the contribution of Hessen Kapital II GmbH and a profit participation equivalent to the ratio between the nominal level of the silent partnership and the nominal level of the equity of BRAIN Biotech AG, albeit to a maximum of 1.5 % of the contribution and not more than 50 % of the profit for the year.

BRAIN Biotech AG is entitled to call the silent partner contributions rendered by Hessen Kapital I GmbH and Hessen Kapital II GmbH before the agreed dates. However, due to the negative consequences this would have for the company (prepayment penalties), effectively this option has no economic value for the company. The silent partnerships do not participate in any losses. No obligation exists to provide additional funding.

Land charges exist with compulsory enforcement clauses on land owned by BRAIN Biotech AG with a notional value of € 2.5 million (previous year: € 2.5 million). All land charges serve to secure bank borrowings, which amounted to € 1,661 thousand at the end of the reporting period (previous year: € 875 thousand). The land charges rank behind an unassigned land charge in favor of the owner amounting to € 0.5 thousand (previous year: € 0.5 thousand).

At the Biocatalysts Ltd. subsidiary, € 2,753 thousand (previous year: € 1,778 thousand) of financial liabilities are secured by € 3,585 thousand (previous year: € 2,521 thousand) of land charges on operating property.

Other than standard retention of title from individual contracts, no other liabilities are secured by liens or similar rights. The carrying amount of the collateral furnished at the end of the reporting period stood at € 5,212 thousand (€ 5,367 thousand as of 30 September 2022).

The nominal interest rate on the fixed interest loans lies between 1.15 % (previous year: 1.15 %) and 8.12 % (previous year: 6.10 %) p.a. Some of the Group’s liabilities are subject to variable interest rates depending on the Bank of England’s base rate.

The following table shows the undiscounted nominal amounts due at the financial liabilities’ terms:


€ thousand

Remaining term

up to 1 year

Remaining term

1 – 5 years

Remaining term

more than 5 years

Contributions by silent partners 961 3,000 0
Liabilities from put option rights for the acquisition of non-controlling interests 0 3,608 0
Leasing 1,441 4,897 1,845
Financial derivatives 82 0 0
Loans 2,257 9,970 1,088
Other 0 6 0
4,741 21,481 2,933


€ thousand

Remaining term

up to 1 year

Remaining term

1 – 5 years

Remaining term

more than 5 years

Contributions by silent partners 300 2,100 1,800
Liabilities from put option rights for the acquisition of non-controlling interests 5,103 3,598 0
Leasing 1,272 3,522 1,892
Financial derivatives 297 0 0
Loans 1,434 2,619 0
Other 31 175 0
8,437 12,014 3,692

The contractually agreed due dates for principal and interest payments and for profit- related payments are shown in the following overview:

30.09.2023 in € thousand 23/24 24/25 25/26 26/27 27/28 28/29 29/30 30/31 31/32 32/33 33/34ff
Principal repayments 4,741 10,431 3,164 4,171 3,715 1,331 530 322 47 50 653
Interest payments 1,254 1,027 835 712 381 102 64 53 47 44 141
Profit-related payments 89 75 60 45 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total excluding profit-related payments 5,995 11,458 4,000 4,883 4,096 1,433 594 375 94 94 794
Total including profit-related payments 6,084 11,533


4,928 4,096 1,433 594 375 94 94 794
30.09.2022 in € thousand 22/23 23/24 24/25 25/26 26/27 27/28 28/29 29/30 30/31 31/32ff
Principal repayments 8,437 2,881 4,899 1,712 2,522 2,467 675 272 278 0
Interest payments 449 385 327 240 180 76 14 6 3 0
Profit-related payments 93 89 75 60 45 0 0 0 0 0
Total excluding profit-related payments 8,887 3,266 5,226 1,952 2,702 2,542 689 278 281 0
Total including profit-related payments 8,980 3,355


2,012 2,747 2,542 689 278 281 0

The following table shows the change in financial liabilities analyzed by cash and non-cash changes:

€ thousand Loans Liabilities for the potential acquisition of non-controlling interests Contributions by silent partners Derivatives Lease liabilities Other Total
Amount at 30 September 2022 4,053 8,431 4,200 297 6,685 206 23,872
Cash inflow/outflow from financing activities 9,204 -5,355 -300 0 1,142 -200 4,491
Subsequent measurement 0 365 0 -219 0 0 146
Change in the scope of consolidation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Currency translation 59 17 0 3 16 0 95
Interest added 0 0 61 0 0 0 61
Additions to leases 0 0 0 0 341 0 341
Amount at 30 September 2023 13,316 3,458 3,961 81 8,184 6 29,006
€ thousand Loans Liabilities for the potential acquisition of non-controlling interests Liabilities for the acquisition of non-controlling interests Contributions by silent partners Derivatives Lease liabilities Other Total
Amount at 30 September 2021 4,721 4,401 6 4,526 0 6,655 9 20,318
Cash inflow/outflow from financing activities
-604 0 -6 -327 0 -1,029 0 -1,966
Subsequent measurement 0 166 0 0 297 0 -443 20
Change in the scope of consolidation -132 3,978 0 0 0 946 640 5,431
Currency translation 68 -114 0 0 0 -9 0 -55
Additions to leases 0 0 0 0 0 122 0 122
Amount at 30 September 2022 4,053 8,431 0 4,200 297 6,685 206 23,872

22 Other liabilities

Other liabilities include € 1,273 thousand (previous year: € 1,335 thousand) for the Biocatalysts Ltd. growth share program, of which € 578 thousand is current and € 694 thousand non-current.

Current other liabilities consist of the following:

€ thousand 2022/23 2021/22
Wage and salary liabilities 968 889
Accrued vacation pay 375 451
Wage and church tax, social security 498 517
Supervisory Board compensation 345 257
Special payments to subsidiaries’ managements and employees 706 110
VAT 105 6
Miscellaneous other liabilities 254 1,120
Total current other liabilities 3,251 3,350

Miscellaneous other liabilities include customer credits of € 45 thousand (previous year: € 181 thousand).

23 Deferred income

Deferred income consists of current deferred income of € 2,932 thousand (compared with € 1,990 thousand in the previous year) and non-current deferred income of € 518 thousand (compared with € 766 thousand in the previous year).

Deferred income totaling € 196 thousand (previous year: € 472 thousand) derives from transactions with SolasCure Ltd. Deferred income partly includes prepayments received from customers for service obligations not yet performed as at the balance sheet date. These are shown separately in section (25) Prepayments received. A contribution of € 2,901 thousand is attributable to benefit obligations that have not yet been fulfilled (previous year: € 2,103 thousand). It is expected that a contribution of € 2,786 thousand of this amount can be recognized in revenue within one year. Deferred income of € 3,125 thousand (previous year: € 2,792 thousand) was fully recognized in revenue in the 2022/23 financial year.

24 Provisions

€ thousand 30.09.2022 Utilization Release Addition

Currency differences

Archiving costs 21 0 -1 0 0 20
Costs for financial statements, auditing and consulting 422 -391 -4 466 0 493
Decommissioning and dismantling 66 0 0 0 0 66
Employee-related expenses 0 0 0 103 1 104
Other 146 -54 0 120 0 212
Total 654 -445 -5 689 1 895

25 Prepayments received

Prepayments received relate primarily to research and development services and future supplies and have a maturity of up to one year. The total amount of € 0 thousand (previous year: € 13 thousand) is attributable to current benefit obligations not yet rendered.

26 Trade payables

Trade payables have a term of up to one year.