II. Basis of the consolidated financial statements
Consolidation methods
Business combinations are accounted for applying the acquisition method, under which the carrying amount of the investments is eliminated against the parent’s share of the subsidiaries’ equity on the acquisition date.
Subsidiaries are those companies where BRAIN Biotech AG exerts control, generally in the form of the acquisition of a direct or indirect majority of the voting rights. Control entitles the company to influence the business activities of the companies and to control the (variable) returns from these companies, such as in the form of profit sharing.
The acquisition date is the date on which acquirer gains control of the acquiree.
The consideration transferred for an acquisition is calculated at the acquisition-date fair value of the assets acquired, equity instruments issued, and liabilities incurred or assumed. It also includes the fair values of those recognized assets or liabilities resulting from a contingent consideration arrangement.
Any contingent considerations are measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Subsequent changes in the fair value of contingent consideration classified as an asset or a liability are measured in accordance with IFRS 9, with any resultant gain or loss for the reporting period recognized in the result for the period. Contingent consideration classified as equity is not remeasured and its subsequent settlement is recognized directly in equity.
Identifiable assets and liabilities are recognized at fair value. For each corporate acquisition, the Group decides on an individual basis whether non-controlling interests in the acquired company are to be recognized at fair value, or based on the proportional interest in the acquiree’s remeasured net assets.
Acquisition-related costs are expensed when they are incurred.
Goodwill is recognized as the excess of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree, and the acquisition-date fair value of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree, over the fair value of the net assets. Any negative difference is recognized directly in profit or loss.
On the basis of written put options, non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries have the right to tender non-controlling interests to BRAIN Biotech AG. In other words, BRAIN Biotech AG has a contractual obligation upon exercise of its own equity instruments to purchase with delivery of cash. In the first step, a review must be conducted as to whether the arrangement of the put option agreement, taking all further aspects into consideration, substantiates a current power of disposal (hereinafter referred to as “present ownership”).
Where present ownership exists, BRAIN Biotech AG applies the anticipated purchase method and recognizes a financial liability pursuant to IAS 32.23. In the case of the anticipated acquisition method, accounting occurs always and independently of the specific structure of the options assuming that a (constructive) acquisition of the non-controlling interest by the controlling shareholder has already occurred. No non-controlling interests are reported for shares included in the option. The liability is recognized at fair value with changes recognized through profit or loss.
If present ownership does not exist, BRAIN Biotech AG recognizes the non-controlling interest in full, reporting the entire non-controlling interest in the statement of comprehensive income or under balance sheet equity. The liability is then recognized as a liability at fair value on the agreement date, with a simultaneous reduction in the capital reserve. Future fair value changes are recognized in profit or loss.
Transactions with non-controlling interests without loss of control are recognized as transactions with the Group’s owners acting in their capacity as owners. The difference between the fair value of the consideration paid and the acquired interest in the carrying amount of the subsidiary’s net assets arising from the acquisition of a non-controlling interest is recognized in equity. Gains and losses arising from the disposal of non-controlling interests are also recognized in equity.
Intragroup profits and losses, revenues, income, and expenses, as well as receivables and payables between companies included in the scope of consolidation are eliminated.
The income tax effects of consolidation entries are reflected through recognizing deferred taxes.
Consolidation scope
All subsidiaries are included in the consolidated financial statements of BRAIN Biotech AG. Subsidiaries are companies that BRAIN Biotech AG controls. BRAIN Biotech AG controls an investee when it has the power of disposal over the company, a risk exposure exists through, or rights to variable returns exist from, its arrangement in the investee, and the Group has the ability to use its power of disposal over the investee in a manner such that the amount of the variable returns of the investee is affected. The consolidation of an investee commences on the date on which the Group obtains control of the company. It ends when the Group loses control of the investee.
In addition to BRAIN Biotech AG, the following subsidiaries were included in the consolidated financial statements for the period ended 30 September 2023:
Name and domicile of the company | Shareholdings as at 30.09.2023 |
Akribion Genomics AG, Zwingenberg, Germany | 100 % |
AnalytiCon Discovery GmbH, Potsdam, Germany | 100 % |
AnalytiCon Discovery LLC, Rockville, Maryland, USA | 100 %* |
BRAIN Capital GmbH i.L., Zwingenberg, Germany | 100 % |
BRAIN UK II Ltd., Cardiff, UK | 100 % |
BRAIN UK Ltd. i.L., Cardiff, UK | 100 %* |
Biocatalysts Ltd., Cardiff, UK | 100 %* |
Biocatalysts Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA | 100 %* |
Biosun Biochemicals Inc. Tampa, Florida, USA | 100 %* |
Weriol Group BV, Nieuwkuijk, Netherlands | 62 %* |
Breatec BV, Nieuwkuijk, Netherlands | 62 %* |
Panei BV, Nieuwkuijk, Netherlands** | 0 %* |
WeissBioTech GmbH, Ascheberg, Germany | 100 % |
BRAIN US LLC i.L., Rockville, Maryland, USA | 100 % |
MEKON Science Networks GmbH i.L., Zwingenberg, Germany | 100 % |
As part of an internal reorganization within the Group, the interests in WeissBioTech GmbH, Biosun Biochemicals Inc., and Weriol Group B.V. were transferred to Biocatalysts Ltd. during the financial year under review. The new structure can be seen in the above table of shareholdings.
Enzymicals AG, Greifswald, Germany, and SolasCure Ltd., Cambridge, UK, were included as equity-accounted investments in the consolidated financial statements for the year ending 30 September 2023. The balance sheet date at the end of a calendar year (Enzymicals AG) or on 30 June (SolasCure Ltd.) differs from the balance sheet date of BRAIN Biotech AG. BRAIN Biotech AG holds 24.10 % (previous year: 24.10 %) of the voting rights in Enzymicals AG, and 34.16 % (previous year: 35.51 %) of the voting rights in SolasCure Ltd.
Change in the consolidation scope
WeissBioTech France S.A.R.L., Chanteloup-en-Brie, France, was liquidated and dissolved during the financial year under review and is no longer included in the scope of consolidation.
No further changes in the scope of consolidation occurred in the 2022/23 financial year.
Changes in the previous year:
In the 2021/22 financial year, a 62 % interest in the Breatec Group was acquired, and 100 % of the interest in L.A. Schmitt, Ludwigsstadt, was divested.
Equity-accounted investments
Equity-accounted investments are associates over whose financial and business policy decisions BRAIN Biotech AG can exercise significant influence. Significant influence is presumed to exist if BRAIN Biotech AG directly or indirectly holds a minimum of 20 % and a maximum of 50 % of the voting rights.
Under the equity method, the investment is initially recognized at cost and subsequently adjusted to reflect post-acquisition changes in the proportionate interest of BRAIN Biotech AG in the investee’s net assets. Any share of the investee’s losses that exceeds the carrying amount of the investment (where appropriate, including any other long-term interests that form part of the net investment in the investee) is not recognized unless a legal or constructive payment obligation exists. Any goodwill recognized is reported as a component of the value of the interest in the associate. Unrealized intra-group profits or losses arising from transactions between BRAIN Biotech AG and the associate are eliminated proportionately in the same way as consolidation adjustments.
If objective evidence of impairment exists, the carrying amount of the equity-accounted investment is compared with its recoverable amount in the course of the impairment test. If the carrying amount exceeds the recoverable amount, an impairment loss is recognized in the amount of the difference. If the reasons for an impairment loss that was previously recognized cease to exist, a corresponding reversal of the impairment loss is applied.
For further notes, please see section (14) Equity-accounted investments.